Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I am almost finished reading La Colmena--only a few more pages to go. I have also viewed the movie. Unfortunately, I haven't any insights to share right now. Hopefully I will have some thoughts to share when I have actually finished the book. Or maybe it will take a second reading!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


LA COLMENA is proving a difficult book for me to wind through. It's not that the Spanish is hard. Reading vignette after endless vignette that are supposed to be related yet seem to leave only hints is wearying to me. I can't wait till it's over with. I had wanted to ENJOY my journey through Spanish literature. The first time that I read the first chapter of LA COLMENA, I truly did enjoy it! Now I am sloughing my way through Chapter Three and feeling so miserable. What happened?

I have been watching the movie LA COLMENA (1982). It helps me a little, but not all that much. I hope I will find enjoyment again later on in the bookk.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I am continuing my slow journey through Cela's La Colmena. Martín Marco is becoming an ever more interesting character as I read.

I am no longer writing from  a netbook, but from a REAL laptop. What a difference. Spanish puncuation is now much easier!

Friday, October 26, 2012

I am enjoying my slow journey through Cela's LA COLMENA. I like reading about Martín Marco even though I feel sorry for him because he is homeless and broke.

I now believe that Cela cared about his characters, at least more than I thought. I don't think he's enamored of Dona Rosa's ways, however.

I am having some trouble getting Spanish punctuation to work on this blog. It may be that it doesn't work very well with an Acer Netbook.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Down With My Characters?

Camilo José Cela gives the impression that he thinks the characters he creates are a bunch of stupid jerks. I need to learn a lot more about this author! However, I find La Colmena to be very interesting and will continue to read it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Next, I am reading a book by Camilo José Cela: LA COLMENA. I am reading it in Spanish, its original language. How grateful I am for our computer and internet world, for who  would I have to talk to about these books?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Word About Don Quixote

I was fascinated by Cide Hamete Benengali, the Moorish scholar who wrote down the history of Don Quixote in Arabic. I also found the Bachelor Sansón Carrasco to be an interesting character. Isn't it amazing that he announced the study of Don Quixote at his school in Salamanca?

I would love to study this book and make more comments, but I had to return the book to the library. When I can get my own copy, I can highlight and comment to my heart's content. I  may live in the dark ages, but I am not yet into downloading books onto Kindle or Nook I like those hard copies!

I HIGHLY recommend Edith Grossman's translation of Don Quixote.